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Pay As You Come

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Our Price: From £30.00
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Product Description

Pay as you Go - One on One Training

Time is the biggest struggle.

Followed closely by keeping healthy whilst juggling all your other commitments.

You could be burning between 550 & 850 calories per session, at any time, of any day you choose. Leniency is key.

We are here to serve you when you need it, not the other way around.

Why not give our tailored one-to-one training service a go with this option? What do you have to lose?

Boxercise fitness training whilst learning the technical side of the sport. It's a no brainer.

As is our special deal that we are currently running;

Once you have completed 5 sessions you will receive one FREE week of our DETOX MEAL PLAN. The meal plan will come with an easy to navigate shopping list, and some in-home exercises you can focus on during your spare time.

If you are unsure then please sign up to our newsletter above, and take a look at our other options below.




Did you know that Muay Thai, often hailed as the "Art of Eight Limbs," showcases the unique use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins in combat? Meanwhile, Kickboxing, a dynamic powerhouse of cardiovascular benefits, is celebrated for its explosive kicks and punches, sculpting your physique while honing self-defense skills.

Now, let's delve into the world of K1 - did you know that K1 is a unique martial arts discipline born in the early 1990s in Japan? It's a dynamic fusion of Karate, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, and traditional boxing, making it a thrilling, all-encompassing combat sport.

Are you prepared to witness a fitness revolution? Dive into our world and revel in unparalleled results. Don't let this extraordinary opportunity slip through your fingers - secure your spot today!

And here's a historical gem: did you know that Muay Thai's roots trace back to the 16th century, evolving from ancient Thai military training? Meanwhile, Kickboxing's origins lie in the mid-20th century, merging karate and Western boxing.

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